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Tampa Property Management Tip #14 – Replacing Older, Drafty Windows is Essential to Retain Long Term Tenants

Many homes with windows from the 1960s and 1970s (or older) are no longer functional, and ost Tampa property management owners find replacing windows extremely distasteful because of the expense.. These windows have been warped by weather and usage resulting in large gaps between the window and the house.

The window gaps obviously lose heat in the winter and cool air from the AC in the summer. Generally we can buy a standard window for $120-$150 bucks and install one in a few hours. This option provides a much cheaper alternative to replacing an existing tenant, repainting the house, cleaning it, fixing any damage, and losing rent.

You do not have to replace all the windows in a house at once. Tenants will be patient, if you are making an effort. I might replace 2 windows each month until the house is completed. Some houses only need certain windows replaced because the other ones do not have any gaps or drafts.

It is important to realize that everything in a house has a life expectancy. Windows reach the end of their useful life when they allow large quantities of air to escape or outside air to push into the home.

Insulation and faulty windows are the top reasons for a house to lose its electrical efficiency causing electrical bills to double or triple. It is much cheaper in the long run to correct these items rather than having tenants constantly skipping out of their lease or not renewing. Tenants stay long term only when the Tampa property management owner takes responsibility for long term maintenance.

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